My request to ubuntu developer team

Craig White craigwhite at
Tue Nov 22 01:05:52 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-11-21 at 14:47 -0800, Ernest Doub wrote:

> Show me ~any~ handheld device [using the above definition] currently
> in distribution that has the same speed and productivity capabilities
> as the desktop models currently in distribution.  You might be able to
> make a case [it would still be a major stretch] if you chose an
> absolute bottom end desktop box and the most bleeding edge handheld
> but not if you are comparing averages.
> The desktop will have the advantage in productivity until there is a
> major technological breakthrough requiring at least an order of
> magnitude reduction in "real estate" required for a given level of
> computing power.
OK - this is actually quite easy.

Quad core Tegra 3 processor

> You are very good at taking a statement of fact and turning it into
> some sort of assertion in your own mind.  The unwillingness to accept
> what are commonly accepted policies as a fact of life is your personal
> cross to bear.
> Business decision makers will never be interested in Linux as a
> desktop OS as long as the developers refuse to provide the
> productivity tools required by business in a package that is
> economically implementable.
> The only reason that MS has such a large market share is because they
> meet the checklist of business requirements better than anybody else
> in the view of the people who are writing the checks. 
that might be a majority of the reasons but certainly far from the only
>         > If you don't believe me, go ask those people who have spent
>         their entire career studying how to increase productivity and
>         ask them for their opinion of which system is better.
productivity isn't verifiable - People can be productive with pretty
much anything. There's little productivity benefit to Windows over
Macintosh or Linux.

> th as been used so long and has become so widely accepted because it
> is an efficient use of the workspace [monitor] and tools [keyboard and
> mouse]
not really but it is something that people pretty much understand at
this point so there's little need for training.


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