Off Topic arugument - for Amedee

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Mon Nov 21 19:31:11 UTC 2011

On 21-11-11 16:51, W. Scott Lockwood III wrote:
>>> Have you signed the Ubuntu code of conduct? Judging from the fact that
>>> you are accusing others of "whinging" and "shouting" I'm guessing not.
>> Indeed, Liam hasn't signed the CoC: But you
> have.
>> Unfortunately I cannot see your actual signature, like you can see my
> signature at
>> That's suspicious! ;)
> Suspicious for very low values of suspicion, or effort on your part, it
> seems:
> 2008-01-10: digitally signed by Scott Lockwood (1024D/7323E3A6)
> I find it far more curious that attempting to view your signature results
> in:
> Not allowed here
> Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page.
> You are logged in as Scott Lockwood.

Perhaps we can only view our own signatures?

2007-02-18: digitally signed by Amedee Van Gasse (1024D/82BA02FC)

> So basically, you're just trolling?

I'm not the one who is changing topic subjects and thereby breaking 
threads in Thunderbird... and I'm not talking about your message to me. 
Please. I implore you. Let it end right here and now.

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