need good way to create screencast

debd debd92 at
Mon Nov 21 12:28:01 UTC 2011

On 20/11/11 23:01, Jason Paul Joines wrote:

> I've tried using istanbul, gtk-recordmydesktop, recorditnow, and
> >  recordmydesktop. In each case the video and audio get out of sync. I've
> >  tried every combination of settings I could find via Google in any forum
> >  post, YouTube video, bug report, etc., but nothing works

check out these two threads on ubuntuforums:
Its about using ffmpeg to record desktop.

At first, it may feel a bit tiresome to arrange the switches suitable 
for your needs, but once you understand what option does what you'll get 
the hang of it. ffmpeg really creates high quality videos.
If time allows you should read the man page of ffmpeg..
May be make a little script or some aliases then? ;)
> .

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