fixing distant computer via remote control

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Mon Nov 21 00:18:54 UTC 2011

On 11/20/2011 03:26 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 20 November 2011 19:38, Liam Proven<lproven at>  wrote:
>> On 20 November 2011 17:23, Bill Stanley<bstanle at>  wrote:
>>> I am considering my options on fixing another computer via remote control.
>>>   The computer I want to fix is in a different house in my neighborhood.  We
>>> both use Ubuntu Linux version 10.10,(GNOME Desktop) so operating system
>>> differences shouldn't be a problem. We both use the same ISP, but obviously
>>> we do not share the same local network (different ISP accounts).
>>> I have been spending a lot of time going over to my neighbor to fix
>>> relatively simple things.  Winter is coming and I really don't want to leave
>>> my house for something that is relatively minor.  Some fixes take only a few
>>> minutes.  My neighbor tries to describe the problem but a verbal description
>>> is lacking.  What must be done so I can access my neighbors computer via my
>>> computer.  I would like a GUI application so it would be like I was actually
>>> there.
>> What J D Lamb has suggested will indeed work, but it is moderately
>> technical to achieve if you don't know your way around things like
>> OpenSSH servers and router configuration.
>> It's not FOSS, but TeamViewer is free for non-commercial use&  I
>> believe it will do what you need:
> +1 for teamviewer, it is ideal for this sort of situation and trivial
> to setup (no port forwarding and so on).
> To go the next step add ssh and that will let you have command line
> control rather more conveniently than with TeamViewer.

Where are the approved user lists kept? It says a "central server". 
Who's central server? Should I trust someone else to keep my "user list" 
configuration? Usually I would say Hell no. Should that list ever become 
compromised, there would be hell to pay. I doubt there would be any sort 
of "bond" for damages, when it's sorta free.

"For the proper use of the TeamViewer software the availability of the 
TeamViewer master server may be necessary. TeamViewer GmbH will take 
measures to ensure a high availability of the server. However, it is not 
possible to guarantee an uninterrupted availability."
So, they know who is zooming who. And the base license is $719 US. in 
case they decide to pursue you for possible violations.

I'm surprised we don't already have something similar in the repos as 
X11 is geared out of the box to be used as a remote network gui session. 
Back when in 1999 at RedHat, we would use ssh and then cipe to create an 
encrypted IP tunnel from our machine at work to the machine at home... 
with a stinkin' 28.8 modem connection, to use our Oracle CRM for tech 
support issues at home. It is hard to believe we haven't progressed 
further. Just my two cents. But, I AM dnloading it to peek at it! I sure 
don't have the price for this in my hip pocket.

:) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.

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