Pushing RGA through the DVI port with open-source drivers.

Jeffrey Gray chevy4x4burb at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 21:48:01 UTC 2011

Well, the three cables are your RGB signaling.  VGA is RGB with a
vertical and or horizontal sync (or something of the sort)  I don't
see why you couldn't use that cable and have it work at the hardware
level without worrying about drivers.  The 4 pins surrounding the
blade ensure that the DVI connector can not be plugged into a DVI-D
(digital only).  With the DVI-I the port is outputting a DVI signal on
some of the pins and the old analog RGB signal over others.

Just my quick thought.

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:
> My desktop's motherboard has a DVI port that I would like to connect
> to the television. I found this inexpensive cable on Ebay:
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/6ft-DVI-I-Male-3-RCA-Component-Video-Male-Cable-6-ft-/160586092167?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2563ad4e87
> It looks to me that I need to push RCA video out through the DVI port
> to do this. Long ago on a competing operating system I managed to push
> RCA video out through a VGA port using a similar adapter. The graphics
> card's drivers had this ability built in, though I do not remember the
> details. Can I do something like this with the open-source drivers in
> Ubuntu? If not, do the Catalyst drivers support this (ATI graphics)?
> Thank you!
> --
> Dotan Cohen
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