Screen Resloution Issue

Patrick Newberry PNewberry at
Fri Nov 18 13:45:01 UTC 2011

I was running 10.4 and was planning on trying out 11.04.

Looked a found I needed to to to 10.10 first so I did so last night. When that was completed the only resolution available to me was 640 x 480.

I figured what the heck, and was going to 11.04 anyway, but when I try to run the update manager I can't see the bottom of the window. I tried guessing by using the tab button and pressing enter and once it seemed like I had selected update (after it had calculated the upgrade) but then it just crashed or stopped.

I installed the ARandR screen Layout  Editor but it too only shows the one resolution.

So is there a terminal method to do the upgrade with the gui of the update manager (e.g. after typing in apt-get upgrade since I can see the bottom of the update manager.

Or is there a way to get other resolutions available to me?

I ran these and got my specs for the  monitor:
sudo apt-get install hwinfo
sudo hwinfo --monitor

  [Created at monitor.95]

   Unique ID: rdCR.v+icTYtRsD7

   Hardware Class: monitor

   Model: "HP MX70"

   Vendor: HWP "HP"

   Device: eisa 0x0503 "MX70"

   Serial ID: "THTEZ12035"

   Resolution: 720x400 at 70Hz

   Resolution: 720x400 at 88Hz

   Resolution: 640x480 at 60Hz

   Resolution: 640x480 at 67Hz

   Resolution: 640x480 at 72Hz

   Resolution: 640x480 at 75Hz

   Resolution: 800x600 at 56Hz

   Resolution: 800x600 at 60Hz

   Resolution: 800x600 at 72Hz

   Resolution: 800x600 at 75Hz

   Resolution: 832x624 at 75Hz

   Resolution: 1024x768 at 87Hz (interlaced)

   Resolution: 1024x768 at 60Hz

   Resolution: 1024x768 at 70Hz

   Resolution: 1024x768 at 75Hz

   Resolution: 640x480 at 85Hz

   Resolution: 800x600 at 85Hz

   Resolution: 1024x768 at 85Hz

   Resolution: 1280x1024 at 60Hz

   Size: 320x240 mm

   Detailed Timings #0:

      Resolution: 1024x768

      Horizontal: 1024 1072 1168 1376 (+48 +144 +352) +hsync

        Vertical:  768  769  772  808 (+1 +4 +40) +vsync

     Frequencies: 94.50 MHz, 68.68 kHz, 85.00 Hz

   Driver Info #0:

     Max. Resolution: 1280x1024

     Vert. Sync Range: 47-120 Hz

     Hor. Sync Range: 30-70 kHz

     Bandwidth: 94 MHz

   Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown

(actually it showed it twice)

When I looked in ect/X11 folder, I do not see a xorg.config file.

I see Xwrapper.config

So what would be the best next step in trying to get to 11.04

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