installation doubt

Craig White craigwhite at
Thu Nov 17 02:46:49 UTC 2011

On Wed, 2011-11-16 at 07:53 -0600, Buggs Bunny wrote:
> Hi,
> I am coming directly from Windows XP, though I was not a windows admin
> but I have with my Ubuntu LTS 10.04 CD. Planing to install this in the
> hope that it is becoming the most popular distro. Said that, please
> let me know if during installation, what should I do:
> Create the separate partitions for each /, /home, /tmp, /usr etc....or
> not? Though its just a newbie talk, but at least I know the
> installation but don't know if should install separate each identities
> or not....?
separate /home is good in that you can erase everything else (like for
an upgrade) and still keep the users documents/settings

separate /tmp is possibly useful for a public server but these days it
isn't done much

separate /var is possibly a good idea on a public server to keep the
main file system from filling up with runaway logging but that doesn't
seem to happen much any more.

separate /usr is a bad idea

Previous justifications for partitioning were for security barriers that
really don't exist any more so there's little reason to add the
complexity that is potentially a problem.


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