possible to update bash to version 4.1 on 8.04 LTS ?

Avi Greenbury lists at avi.co
Thu Nov 17 00:00:58 UTC 2011

Rigved Rakshit wrote:

> Bash 4.1 will also need some updated dependencies. So, to use bash
> 4.1 on Hardy, you will need to use the updated versions of all the
> dependencies of bash. In case you want to do this anyway, just
> download all the .deb files (of bash and its dependencies) from
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/shells/bash. This page also has
> links to the download pages of it's dependencies. Just go ahead and
> download/install all of these dependencies (and in turn, the
> dependencies of the dependencies).

Much as this might work, it also might break things. There's no 'good'
way to upgrade only a single component of a distribution - one of the
side-effects of the Unixy tradition of relying on external libraries
and the like is that everything generally wants to be kept in sync.

What is it you need from bash 4.1, and why did you go backwards to see
if the issues weren't present? What were the issues?


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