
doug dmcgarrett at optonline.net
Wed Nov 16 18:59:23 UTC 2011

On 11/16/2011 03:33 AM, Simon Perez wrote:
> I am new to Linux,and  having  experience with command prompt in 
> windows.My question is does anyone know a good resource to learning 
> the terminal.Maybe a .pdf or videos???Also why do people
> prefer distros like slackware over Ubuntu,Linux Mint and other gui 
> distros?
There is a "Bash Guide for Beginners" by Machtelet Garrels free on the 
Internet, and then there's a bigger  book,
"Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial" by Vivek Gite (vivek at nixcraft.com), and 
then there's a really fat book, actually two, called
"Advanced Bash Scripting Guide" by Mendel Cooper, also downloadable.  
Set your printer for duplex, and buy lotsd of paper!


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