My request to ubuntu developer team

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Nov 16 01:48:57 UTC 2011

On 15 November 2011 18:24, R S V Reddy <ubuntu.bkn1 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know if this is the right place to put a request or not. But I just
> want to put a request to the Ubuntu developer's team and it is as follows:
> "As a matter of great curiosity, it is really great to use Ubuntu LTS
> edition, yes we all love it. It is stable and highly supportive in all the
> manners - detecting all the hard ware by itself and a large repo of
> softwares too! But I request for the future editions of LTS, to please never
> integrated with it the Unity desktop, since it is so good right now, in the
> future versions too, like 12.04, I would be happy to have the desktop which
> is right now..."

I am sure many people would share your feelings, but it is /way/ too
late for that. 12.04 /will/ be based on Unity and Unity-2D for
lower-spec hardware.

And you know, having played with GNOME 3 and GNOME Shell a bit, I
think they made the right decision. Whereas there are things I like in
GNOME 3 - mainly just its superior virtual-desktop handling - Unity is
by far the smoother, more pleasant interface, I feel.

Liam Proven • Info & profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
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