Ubuntu Launcher

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 14 10:33:40 UTC 2011

On 14 November 2011 00:02, Koh Choon Lin <2choonlin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
>>> Anybody knows how to replace the 11.10 Launcher for the 11.04 Pulldown Menu?
>> You can't.  If you have programs you use regularly you can fix them to
>> the launcher by opening them and right clicking the icon in the
>> launcher and selecting Keep in Launcher (or something similar).
>> Alternatively if you know the name of the app you want to run, hit the
>> Super (windows) key to bring up the dash and start typing the name of
>> the app.  After three or four characters it should find the one you
>> want and once it is first in the list you can just hit enter to run
>> it.  So for example to run the calculator I hit Super then cal and
>> enter and it is runs.
> Can I at least modify the command line of each launcher? Say I wish to
> pass an argument to Firefox each time I launch it, where do I go to
> edit the path of the Mozilla icon?

for how to create custom launchers if that is what you mean.  Read
right through it first as there are various methods.


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