bash script help?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Mon Nov 14 06:15:22 UTC 2011

Knute Johnson wrote:
> I've got a bash script that I run in cron.daily to backup some data
> to a jump drive.  One of the commands in my script is to umount the
> drive. If I write;
> if umount /dev/sdb1; then
>      #do something
> fi
> it always does it even if the umount is successful.

You mean: "if it fails"? Well, I can't confirm. Try this as root:

if umount / 2>/dev/null; then echo 1;else echo 0;fi

Here the output is "0", which I would expect. If I replace / with an 
unmountable partition, the output is "1".


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