How to install the same package on multiple ubuntu machine?

Alan Pope alan at
Sun Nov 13 16:19:07 UTC 2011

On 13/11/11 02:58, Peng Yu wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a number of ubuntu machines with the same version of OS. I want
> install some package on all of them. Login to each of them and run the
> installation command (could be apt-get or traditional
> configure->make->make install) is time consuming. Is there some tool
> that can help me automate this process? Thanks!

"Description-en: administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously
  ClusterSSH (cssh, crsh, ctel) allows you to control multiple ssh, rsh
  or telnet sessions from a single input window.  You can also configure
  clusters of machines for easy invocation and interact with individual
  terminal windows during a session."


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