Desktop blogging software (Was: [OT] Just Installed Debian Linux)

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Fri Nov 11 17:01:14 UTC 2011

On 11-11-11 17:01, compdoc wrote:
>> In fact, it will /be/ Mark Shuttleworth, just as he is the single and
>> only /real/ reason for the shutdown of Sounder.  The fat is already in
>> the fire on this list, it is merely a matter of time.
> I think shutting down a main line of support would be a worse mistake than
> going with Unity. At some point enough people are going to hate Ubuntu that
> it fails.

Ubuntu-users is not really a main line of support. The forums and the 
LoCo's get an order of magnitude more traffic. I'd be really surprised 
if there were more than 5K users subscribed to this list. With >90% lurkers.

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