computers and cold temperatures[OT]
Colin Law
clanlaw at
Fri Nov 11 15:40:15 UTC 2011
On 11 November 2011 15:11, Gilles Gravier <ggravier at> wrote:
> Hi!
> On 11/11/2011 16:00, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 11 November 2011 14:57, compdoc<compdoc at> wrote:
>>>> IS it a bad thing to have a computer operating, say, in a garage during
>>>> the cold winters?
>>> [snip]
>>> Dealing with heat in summer is worse than the cold in winter.
>> I think that might rather depend on where you are in the world. :)
> Actually, it is GOOGLE who did a study on computer failure rates in warmer
> temperatures, and they found that hard disks, in particular, tend to faire
> better around 35-45°C, which is well above the normally prescribed
> datacenter temperature of 20°C. Have a look at :
> in particular section 3.4 (temperature).
Not necessarily disagreeing, but my reading of that is that the
temperatures are *drive* temperatures not *ambient*. So a room
temperature of 20C will give air temperature inside the box rather
more that this and the drive will be warmer again.
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