Multilingual support

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri Nov 11 14:11:14 UTC 2011

On Fri, 11 Nov 2011 11:05:44 -0300
Shawn Pringle <shawn.pringle at> wrote:

> I just installed Ubuntu.  I doubted that setting LANG and LANGUAGE in
> the .profile would be enough to get the language messages working in
> the GUI.  However, it did work -- for some of the Ubuntu menu items.
> I don't want to globally change the language.  One user one language
> another user another.  OpenOffice continues in English on the account
> where Spanish is set for the language.  In looking at the openoffice
> website, it seems to me that OpenOffice's language is fixed when they
> build it.  Please correct me if I am wrong.  Perhaps someone knows
> something I don't on open office's locale support.  Is there
> something I can do to have OpenOffice use English and Spanish
> according to what user is logged in?

have a look at the ~/.dmrc files of the users, it should be possible to
define the language used for a session in there.

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