oneiric upgrade broke ssh-agent and gpg-agent

Adam Funk a24061 at
Tue Nov 8 21:47:59 UTC 2011

On 2011-11-08, Adam Funk wrote:

> I just upgraded a machine to oneiric, and in Unity, Gnome, and Gnome
> Classic, ssh-agent and gpg-agent are no longer working.  When I try
> ssh-add, I get "Could not open a connection to your authentication
> agent", and all use of gpg now gives "gpg: gpg-agent is not available
> in this session".
> However, ps shows both /usr/bin/ssh-agent and and /usr/bin/gpg-agent
> running, but env doesn't show any GPG- or SSH-related environment
> variables.

I've made a litle progress on this.  If I launch a GNOME terminal or
xterm from the applications menu or a non-custom panel launcher ("add
to panel" -> "application launcher" -> xterm selected from the menus),
env shows the relevant variables and ssh-agent and gpg-agent work.

But I normally use a custom keybinding in xbindkeys to launch xterms
(much faster for me than using the mouse), and these terminals do not
get the variables (so the two agents don't work).  Looking at the
output of ps, I get the impression xbindkeys (process 8032 at present)
has been started before ssh-agent (8034) and gpg-agent (8035), so that
might explain why it hasn't inherited the variables?

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