Saved Tabs in Firefox Web Browser no longer in effect?

jimkvg at jimkvg at
Tue Nov 8 03:05:12 UTC 2011

Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 08:34:39 +0100
From: Colin Law <clanlaw at>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support,        not for general discussions"
          <ubuntu-users at>
Subject: Re: Saved Tabs in Firefox Web Browser no longer in effect?
          <CAL=0gLuN_Dc1b3Erz22puFwR4Oje6yvpW7EtnB8xeHEzaeQE_g at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On 25 October 2011 23:38,  <jimkvg at> wrote:

[Hide Quoted Text]
After upgrading my Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04, I noticed change in the Firefox
Web Browser to my disappointment. ?In the 10.10, I enjoyed opening Firefox
Web Browser to several tabs automatically opened as they were saved when
closed. ?Now I have to dig up long list of bookmarks to open up to click
some e.g. mail, weather, news, etc. every time I opened Firefox Web Browser.
?I tried its Tools, but I could not find one to add the feature. ?Did I
missed something? ?Any tip will be appreciated. ?Thank you. ?Jim

I too noticed that but then found the Session Manager plugin which
will allow you to do what you want, and more.



Thank you Colin.
   I must admit that I am far more frustrated in the 'upgraded'  
firefox browser than before.
   As per your tip, I click-opened Session Manager (in Tools list) ->  
Backup Sessions -> ... just a long list of "Older Browsing  
(2011-11-05)..." and so on.  There is nothing to change configuration  
of 'tab' system.  I tried many other things, but so far no success.
   When I clicked on little green cross, 'noname(1)' popped up in bar.  
  When I double-clicked it and it changed to the name of the bookmark  
that I selected.  When I double-clicked it again, to find another  
bookmark to use, it came on.  When I closed the browser and then later  
when I opened it again, I had to go back to first square to do it all  
over again.  This really frustrated and confused me.  I ended up  
depending on using history to open 'bookmarks' that were recorded.
   I want that whenever I click-open the browser, my desired (saved)  
tabs be there waiting for me.  Is there a possibility that I uninstall  
this 'upgraded' firefox browser and install previous firefox browser  
version that was in earlier Ubuntu version?  Did I miss something  
else?  Or is there a better browser that I could replace this browser?  
  Chrome?  Others?  Me - deeply confused.
    Thank you for giving this matter attention.  Jim

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