Maximising windows

Séamas Ó Brógáin sob at
Mon Nov 7 13:15:45 UTC 2011

A summary of a couple of days of observing behaviour:

1. Having quit Libre Office, I double-click on a document icon to launch
it and it opens to full screen, though it was smaller when the document
was closed. (Four times in 24 hours; didn’t happen a couple of other
times under the same circumstances.)

2. I take a break, leaving a Libre Office window open. My display goes
asleep after ten minutes. When I wake it up (pressing a key or moving
the mouse) it has jumped to the full screen. (Happened once.)

3. Two Libre Office documents open, both with adjusted window size. I
move to the second one (using the keyboard shortcut for navigating
between applications); I move back to the first one and it has expanded
to fill the whole screen.

I don‘t know if this limited observation is of any use. In the meantime
I have decided to abandon Unity (too ugly, too dysfunctional, not
customisable enough) and in the long run to abandon Ubuntu in favour of
one of the distributions that are governed by their users and not by a
self-styled self-appointed dictator.

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