One foot out the door!: I've grown to hate Linux Ubuntu

J dreadpiratejeff at
Sat Nov 5 13:51:05 UTC 2011

On Sat, Nov 5, 2011 at 07:46, Avi Greenbury <lists at> wrote:
> Douglas Saylor wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 2:46 PM, William Biggs <kc8pdr at>
>> wrote:
>> > have you tried to use the gnome with out the effects
>> I don't know what you mean, so probably "no" is the answer.
> In Ubuntu 10.04 at the login prompt you had the option of either using
> Unity (the new desktop environment) or Gnome 2 (the old one).


> In 11.10 everything is based on Gnome 3 rather than Gnome 2, so there's
> no Gnome 2 option. You can, however, install a much less
> resource-hungry version of Gnome 3 and use that. It looks a bit like
> Gnome 2. and acts in the same way in a number of areas.

Not exactly...  The option in 11.10 are Unity (the 3D accelerated
version with all the eye candy and resourse hogging) or Unity 2D,
which looks almost exactly like 3D Unity, only it's based in Qt and is
a lot less glitchy... some of the weird issues in Unity 3D are not
seen at all in Unity 2D.

I run 2D on my netbook because it feels a good bit more responsive
than 3D does (I'm running an 1st Gen Lenovo S-10, not a newer, higher
powered netbook).

Conversely, my Alienware with the nVidia GPU runs Unity 3D without
hassle beyond the known bugs.

> To get it, you need to install the package 'gnome-session-fallback'.
> You can then log out and click the cog icon by the password entry field
> on the login menu, and choose 'Gnome Classic' or 'Gnome Classic (No
> Effects)' - the latter's more likely to help, but the former *might*.

Yep, AFAIK, that's still an installable option, but by default teh OP
can try choosing Unity 2D and see if that clears up some of the


> --
> Avi
> --
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