One foot out the door!: I've grown to hate Linux Ubuntu

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Nov 3 21:05:28 UTC 2011

On 3 November 2011 20:31, compdoc <compdoc at> wrote:
> ...
> Unity has several problems going on:
> 1) A window's edge is so thin that you have to find and grab (or hold the
> mouse over) a one-pixel-wide area to move/resize a window, or to get the
> Launcher to pop back out when it's hidden. That's a pain for me to do, and
> I'm not handicapped in any way. I hate to think what people who shake or
> have impaired motor skills have to go through.

This bug only has me and three others affected so it is not likely to
get much attention.

> 2) The Launcher does not have consistent behavior: often programs open
> behind it and it does not close, (so it's in the way) and at other times
> when a program's window opens, it closes and remains hidden.

I couldn't find any bugs reported for this.

> 3) The Launcher has (for me) unwanted behavior that can't be changed easily:
> when it's hidden and you reach for the File menu or window controls, it pops
> out and gets in your way. Or it hides when you get a window too close to it,
> such as when you're trying to arrange your desktop.
> 4) The Launcher is too large and takes up too much screen area.

This is tunable in Unity 3D but not 2D.  I agree with you on this one,
it would be nice to be able to adjust the size in 2D.


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