whether my system is 32 bit o 64 bit?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 17:03:42 UTC 2011

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:58, Hakan Koseoglu <hakan at koseoglu.org> wrote:
> Your CPU (and PC) is capable of using an 64 bit OS but for whatever
> reason, you have chosen to install the 32 bit version in the past. For
> a number of years, there are really no good reasons to do this (even
> though various people claim it to be otherwise).

Although that OS and pretty much all FOSS applications run just fine
in 64 bit, the biggest problem that I've seen is Flash. Some hardware
run Flash 64 bit just fine, and some hardware give terrible problems.
I recommend booting into a 64 bit LiveCD and installing Flash. If you
can play youtube videos and click to the different parts of the video,
then you're fine and you can go ahead and install the 64 bit OS.

Note that if you are stuck on 32 bit and you have 4+ GB of RAM, you
should install the PAE kernel.

Dotan Cohen


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