Cut mouse polling rate in half

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue May 31 07:34:33 UTC 2011

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 01:35, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:
> sudo echo '-r usbhid' >> /etc/modules && sudo vim /etc/modules
> Insert under -r usbhid:
> usbhid mousepoll=n
> n Legend:
> 1 = 1000Hz
> 2 = 500Hz
> 4 = 250Hz
> 8 = 125Hz
> 10 = 100Hz (Default)

Thanks, Jordan. Interestingly, even with sudo I was getting permission
denied on the append. So I simply added the -r usbhid to the file in

However, even after a restart I see no effect. This is a USB mouse, I
wonder why I see no change. I may have been wrong in my assumption
that slowing down the polling rate would make the mouse cursor move
slower. So Karl's postulation that the mouse sends the whole delta no
matter the polling rate sounds like it is interfering with my plan to
slow down the mouse cursor!

In any case, I should mention that a run-time setting would be far
preferable as we have a second mouse for the little hands that
shouldn't have it's speed affected. Is there any way to make the mouse
cursor move slower? Again, mouse acceleration is not the issue, as
even when the mouse is moving slowly the pointer is going way to fast.
It seems that this mouse is sending much larger deltas than any other
mouse that I've seen. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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