Cut mouse polling rate in half

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Mon May 30 22:35:58 UTC 2011

On 5/30/2011 5:15 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I recently bought a nice new mouse, but it's polling rate is way to
> high. Is there a way to discard half the mouse's polling so that it
> doesn't run the pointer off the screen? I am not talking about mouse
> pointer acceleration, but actually lowering the polling rate or
> discarding a percentage of it. Thanks.

sudo echo '-r usbhid' >> /etc/modules && sudo vim /etc/modules

Insert under -r usbhid:
usbhid mousepoll=n

n Legend:
1 = 1000Hz
2 = 500Hz
4 = 250Hz
8 = 125Hz
10 = 100Hz (Default)

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