UBUNTU 1O.1O revenir à l'édition LTS

Nicolas Kovacs info at microlinux.fr
Fri May 27 19:10:22 UTC 2011

Le 25/05/2011 22:48, jean durandt a écrit :
> bonsoir tout est dans le titre;
> devant la multitude de problèmes rencontrés concernant le paramétrage -
> qui plante dès les mises à jour - je souhaite revenir vers la dernière
> version LTS

Three "sane" solutions. Backup everything, then

1) fresh 10.04 install

2) fresh 10.10 install

3) fresh 11.04 install

Using all three versions on production machines 
(http://www.microlinux.fr) without any problems.

Or actually, yes. One problem : had to compile 'normalize' from source 
and patch it, because K3B wouldn't recognize it. So much for bugs and 
showstoppers :o)

Cheers from the sunny South of France,

Niki Kovacs (a.k.a. Kiki Novak)

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