UBUNTU 1O.1O revenir à l'édition LTS

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 26 18:21:04 UTC 2011

On 05/26/2011 12:03 AM, Gilles Gravier wrote:
> Jean,
> Nobody posts in FRENCH on this list. Language is ENGLISH.
> On 25/05/2011 22:48, jean durandt wrote:
>> bonsoir tout est dans le titre;
>> devant la multitude de problèmes rencontrés concernant le paramétrage
>> - qui plante dès les mises à jour - je souhaite revenir vers la
>> dernière version LTS
>> pouvez- me dire s'il est possible de le faire ? n'ayant trouvé que des
>> tutos d'une version à la précédente immédiate
>> quels sont les risques de perte de données ? je ne peux me permettre
>> de tout perdre
>> sinon je suis à l'écoute de n'importe quelle proposition susceptible
>> de m'aider
>> merci par avance
> You cannot revert to a previous version of Ubuntu after an update.  The
> behavior you are describing probably hints at a failed update.
> What I would do is back up your data and configuration files to an
> external disk, using a live CD... and clean-install the latest Ubuntu.
> The only OS I know of that you can cleanly revert to a previous version
> after a full update is Solaris due to the ZFS filesystem cloning
> capabilities. Linux has no such feature.
> Gilles.

Actually you can. However it requires an in-place reinstall. Save your
Markings (Synaptic|File|Save Markings as|Save full state) just incase
you do need to reinstall any particular program. Reinstall using the
previous version using the same partition (manually) and ensure that you
do not allow ubiquity to reformat. You'll need to do all of your updates
again, but your /home & /opt folders will remain intact & working.

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