Precision with "setrlimit"

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at
Sun May 22 20:11:17 UTC 2011

On Sun, 22 May 2011 20:42:59 +0800, Maybe Lau wrote:

>> Is this an Ubuntu-specific problem?
>> If not, you might try the Linux C-programming mailing list:
> Thank you. I'll try. But I don't know how to use mailing list well, how
> can I post there? It seems that I can't send my post directly.

You need to subscribe first, just like you did with the Ubuntu mailing 

> And am I correct to reply like this?

No, the convention is to type your reply below the text you're replying 
to. As you can see, I posted my replies below your text, and split your 
text to reply to different parts.

Regards, Robert                            

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