Moving X from VT7 to VT12

sktsee sktseer at
Thu May 19 18:05:48 UTC 2011

On Wed, 18 May 2011 14:29:24 -0700, Shentino wrote:

> I unfortunately already learned this the hard way.
> am I completely SOL if I want to move X to a different VT?
> It's almost like it's hard coded and can't be changed.  I've looked at
> every friggin config file I can find.
> If someone knows for sure that I'm on a wild goose chase, please end my
> misery.
> I've considered escalating this issue to developers, since standard
> support channels have been completely unfruitful.

It is hardcoded:

>From Ubuntu gdm patch:05_initial_server_on_vt7.patch 
/* HACK: force initial server to go on vt7, since 1 to 6 usually get
+         * gettys after gdm startup, which interfere with X */
+	firstserver = access ("/var/run/gdm/firstserver.stamp", F_OK) < 0;
         /* fork X server process */
-        res = gdm_server_spawn (server, NULL);
+        res = gdm_server_spawn (server, firstserver ? "vt7" : NULL);


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