[11.04] - Install 32Bit Flash On 64Bit Firefox?

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Fri May 13 14:54:03 UTC 2011

On 05/13/2011 10:13 PM, Jesse Palser wrote:
> Tried uninstalling Flash and then reinstalling it and no change.
> Guess I just have to live with it :(
> Don't remember these issues with Flash in 10.10 64bit.

I am not sure if this is the case, but could be java related rather than 
flash. Try installing "icedtea6-plugin" and see if it helps.

But to try it out, I booted a 'skeletor' ubuntu based OS which doesn't 
have this installed (but with flash installed) and your linked website 
did alright. That's why I am not sure if it will help. And my firefox is 
ver 4.0, and the following links regarding firefox 4 and java may (yes, 
may, because it may not) help. (At least it's better than nothing, right?)


Good luck - Goh Lip

ps: don't scold me if it doesnt' help.   :)
     ( I don't take criticism well...  ;)  )

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