
Colin Law clanlaw at
Tue May 10 11:44:07 UTC 2011

On 10 May 2011 03:16, Barbara Tobias <barbtobias09 at> wrote:
> You probably set your user account to login automatically without
> asking for a password. In this case every single process loaded after
> login,  if needed, will ask for you permission.
> At Users and Groups / User Settings change "Password:" to  "Asked on
> Login". Then system will ask for your password just once, at the login
> screen.
> L.
> --
> Lucio M. Nicolosi, Eng.
>        I checked and Users and Groups/User Settings is already set to
>        "Asked on Login."               Barbara
> Can you describe exactly what happens as you logon.  What does the
> screen look like?  When it asks for the password again what does it
> say?
> Colin
>        When I start the computer, I get a screen that says:  "Enter
>        password for keyring 'default' to unlock.  An application wants
>        access to the keyring 'default' but it is locked."
>        Under "Details" the "Lock this keyring when I log out" option is
>        checked.
>        After I enter the password, I get the exact same screen twice
>        more.  After I enter the password the third time, everything
>        works fine.

I think the problem is that you have entered a password for your
keyring, which is not normally necessary.  I think this may help:


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