Fully compatible with Microsoft Office?

Christoph Bier christoph.bier at web.de
Sun May 8 13:13:35 UTC 2011

Colin Law schrieb am 08.05.2011 14:43:

> On 8 May 2011 13:34, Christoph Bier <christoph.bier at web.de> wrote:
>> The OP asked about the (full) compatibility of MS Office and
>> OOo/Libre Office. MS Office contains components OOo/Libre office
>> just lacks. Don't know why you are only referring on "real
>> documents". OOo/Libre Office are *not* fully compatible with MS Office.
> To be pedantic the OP queried the text on ubuntu.com - "Our office
> applications, for example, are fully compatible with Microsoft Office
> and have everything you need to create professional documents".  The
> fact that LibreOffice does not include an equivalent of Outlook does
> not invalidate the statement.  It says that the apps that LibreOffice
> *does* supply are compatible.  Though as has been discussed earlier
> this is not necessarily true.

Arguable. But I get your point. Anyway if ubuntu.com wants to be
clear and not mistakable it should write: "Our office
applications, for example, are partially compatible with Microsoft
Office, that is have everything you need to create professional

+++ Typografie-Regeln (1.7): http://zvisionwelt.de/?page_id=56

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