Shotwell in Lucid

rikona rikona at
Sun May 8 07:05:15 UTC 2011

Hello Jeff,

Saturday, May 7, 2011, 4:56:15 PM, Jeff wrote:

JG> On 05/05/2011 12:05 AM, rikona wrote:

>> I can see several small differences, but checking the past few dozen
>> emails, I see the same things, and you did not comment about those
>> emails. So I guess I don't see what you consider 'proper'. I can see
>> about 1> JB> 0-12 differences. Perhaps you could specify which of these you
>> consider to be the improper things, perhaps with examples, and the
>> proper replacements, also with examples.

JG> He is referring to the quoted lines starting with initials, such as:

 >> JB>
 >> JB>
 >> JB>

JG> I've never seen that before myself and it is a bit annoying -

Why annoying - just because it's different? :-)

I think it is a much better way of quoting, but it's a shame that
there are almost no clients smart enough to do it. If you have a
longish, multi-split-up conversation between 3-5 people it is much
more obvious who said what, on a line-by-line basis. Especially true
with liberal snipping.

Note also that it preserves the levels correctly re the conventional
chrs, so if you count chrs to learn who says what, you still get the
same result. So, on the quoted line below, or above, you have one
quote chr, as expected, but with a very quick glance, you can also see
who said it as well. More info, compactly presented. Very nice, IMHO.

I participate on lists where most folks use this, and, from
experience, it makes multi person, interleaved conversations much
clearer. I see advantages, and no disadvantages. It's like Unity - you
have to use it a while to fully appreciate the advantages. :-)

But, as was mentioned in another thread, people are highly resistant
to new [to them] things, even if they're better. :-)

What do you think? Is this the kind of relatively small thing that
will cause some people to get really upset?

JG> what client are you using?

TheBat - nice client, many advantages - all OT, though - not gonna
start down that road. :-)



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