Ubuntu 11.04 broke my MacBook Pro

clintin at linuxmail.org clintin at linuxmail.org
Sat May 7 20:34:05 UTC 2011

On 05/07/2011 03:07 PM, Shawn Milochik wrote: 

> Just to follow up, I got my Mac back and they replaced the > motherboard. Everything's fine now, and I won't be installing any > version of Ubuntu on it any time soon. 
> A link mentioned earlier in this thread seemed to indicate that the > problem was specific to the 64-bit version on a Mac, but I'll just > wait and use OS X for now; I'm still using Ubuntu on my other two > machines -- 10.10, because of all the horror I'm hearing about Unity. 
> Shawn 
Shawn, I'm curious; did the outfit that replaced your motherboard explain how it was possible for an operating system to physically destroy your hardware? I'm no computer genius, but I don't see how that's possible.

It's possible due to overheating of components by commands passed to the processing chips such as the CPU and GPU (Video). My HP laptop (zd8000) video system failed after one day's use with 11.40 and in my Local User Group, I have seen two instances where Natty is not working properly with the video system where 10.10 and previous versions did and long term use could cause damage.  It is cause for concern. 


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