[Win98/Natty test install] Re: Grub not working

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 6 22:10:45 UTC 2011

On 05/06/2011 02:40 PM, Tony Pursell wrote:
> On Fri, 2011-05-06 at 14:13 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>> On 05/05/2011 05:18 PM, chris wrote:
>> ...
>> > Agreed, and when I think this through a bit further, I have never tried
>> > to detect a 98 partition with grub 2.  Only grub 1
>> > might throw 98 onto a partition this after noon and see what happens.
>> > Regards Chris
>> Out of curiosity & because I keep lots of old junk around, I decided to
>> give this a try. I have an old Sony 866Mhz/384MB machine with a 40GB
>> hard drive sitting around, so I . I went back & installed Win98 on it
>> (had the original oem CD, but had to find a product key on the internet
>> to get it to install). After first checking that Win98 installed
>> properly & was working[1], I popped in the most recent Natty 11.04
>> liveCD & elected to install at the menu.
>> o Installation detects the Win98 install and at the 'Allocate drive
>> space' screen shows: 'Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 95/98/Me'. I
>> elected this option & press 'Forward'.
>> o Next screen shows where I can allocate further drive space
>> (Win95/98/Me showing /dev/sda1 (fat32) 18.8 GB, Ubuntu showing /dev/sda2
>> (ext4) 21.3 GB) & elect to leave as defaults & press 'Install Now'. Off
>> it goes...
>> o Correctly detects my location, keyboard, username, password, etc
>> |'Forward'
>> o Installation complete... 'Restart Now'
>> o I get grub menu (version 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3) showing:
>> Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-generic
>> Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-generic (recovery mode)
>> Memory test (memtest86+)
>> Memory test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)
>> Windows 95/98/Me (on /dev/sda1)
>> All looks correct to me.
>> o Boot to Ubuntu first to ensure that is working... taking a very
>> loooong time, but it's a slow, low memory machine. GDM finally comes up
>> & I'm informed that I don't have the hardware to run Unity (expected),
>> continue & of course Ubuntu incorrectly determines my monitor & only
>> shows the bottom panel. I'm used to this, so I right click the bottom
>> panel and add "Main Menu" so that I can properly config the monitor
>> using System|Preferences|Monitors - done & I'm now set for 1024x768 @
>> 85z. Reboot.
>> o This time I boot into "Windows 95/98/Me (on /dev/sda1)" & Win98 boots
>> & runs just fine. Reboot.
>> o Boot back into Ubuntu & copy boot_info_script055.sh over to the
>> machine. Run boot_info_script055.sh - the result is located at:
>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/604237/
>> $ sudo lshw
>> is located at:
>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/604240/
>> HTH
>> [1] I've no idea if WinME uses the same type MBR etc as Win98, but
>> figured that it might since Win2K - which I also could have installed -
>> went to NT & the boot loader calls for 'Windows 95/98/Me'.
> Obviously os-prober found your ME. Dave's did not. That may be because
> it runs as part of the install.  

However, I _think_ it should have when he installed Natty. It could be
[If GRUB hides a DOS (or Windows) partition]
as he has multiple Win partitions. But don't know.
I suspect it is more of an issue where he created the 3 linux partiions
rather than letting ubiquity go ahead and install as a 'side-by-side' or
using the remaining drive space. My _guess_ would be that he could
simply use gparted from the liveCD, delete the 3 linux partitions he
created, and then reinstall Natty the 'Windows 95/98/Me' would be
pickup. That, or reinstall grub2 ala:
[when will help.ubuntu learn not to use spaces in their uri/url's?]

> Anyway, it shows what is required to boot ME, so 40_custom should be
> http://paste.ubuntu.com/604247/
> if the device names (/dev/sda1 and /dev/sda) are correct for Dave.

Hopefully that will work.

> Good work, NoOp!
> Tony

Thanks... it's Friday here & the smoking & drinking lamp is lit (early),
so shortly I won't be in a reliable state to look further.
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