How to report bug in package from ppa

sktsee sktseer at
Thu May 5 17:06:22 UTC 2011

On Thu, 05 May 2011 17:35:43 +0100, Colin Law wrote:

> I guess I will not get the stuff that apport automatically adds if I do
> this.  Perhaps it does not matter.

Hmm, that's a good point. Try this:

~$ apport-bug --file-bug --pid=`pidof unity-2d` --save=unity-2d_bug_report

I don't know what the unit-2d executable name is, so if the pidof command 
doesn't work, just look up its pid with "ps ax" 

The generated apport information will be saved in the file 
unity-2d_bug_report which you can manually upload and attach to the bug 
report on the launchpad site when you fill it out.

>> You could also ask a question of the unity-2d team to see if that's the
>> preferred link to report bugs against daily build versions.
> I will do that.  Many thanks

You're welcome


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