Fully compatible with Microsoft Office?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu May 5 07:34:43 UTC 2011

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 19:06, Robert Spanjaard <spamtrap at arumes.com> wrote:
>> I'm the OP, and I've never complained about LibreOffice in this thread.
> You're right, you were complaining about the description on ubuntu.com.
>> Furthermore, I'm Dotan Cohen and I've never complained about Unity.
> "For all practical purposes, Unity is very limited in the way it can
> be customized/personalized.  The top panel cannot be moved, hidden or
> deleted, there is no way to add panels for say, creating your own
> "launcher" (as I've done in Gnome).  Hitting the super key in Unity and
> typing a few letters is the equivalent of what can be accomplished with
> the Gnome-Do app.  There is a convoluted "menu" system that I'm still
> trying to figure out how to efficiently get around in and the list goes
> on and on."
> English isn't my first language, so if you think there's a better term
> for this than complaining, it's fine by me.

You may be right in calling that complaining, but those are Zach's
words, not mine!

Dotan Cohen


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