Shotwell in Lucid

rikona rikona at
Thu May 5 04:41:13 UTC 2011

Hello Lucio,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011, 3:04:52 PM, Lucio wrote:

LMN> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 6:02 PM, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
>> Running Lucid. Noticed Shotwell will be the default photo mgr in new
>> releases - also looks pretty good, so thought I'd get a head start
>> learning it. The Shotwell version in the repos is quite old [0.5].
>> There is a newer backport in a PPA that states NOT to use it because
>> it is "guaranteed to break your computer". Hmmm...
>> Has anyone running Lucid used a later version without 'breaking the
>> computer'? If so, where was it?
>> The PPA also backports several other pkgs - is this the reason it
>> breaks stuff?
>> If I do try the gamble, and it breaks stuff, how can I recover to
>> where I was?

LMN> Perhaps you could enable Shotwell PPA repo for Lucid -


LMN>  - upgrade to release 0.7.2-1~lucid1 and test it.

I saw that reference. A few sites recommended going to a later
release, so I kept looking.

LMN> If it does not behave properly, you could remove it,

Apparently it also upgrades several other packages. If I remove it,
does that also reinstall the older versions of ALL the other updated
pkgs, or will I be left with trouble?

LMN> I imagine it couldn't do any harm, but I may be wrong.

I was worried about the other pkgs that also need to be replaced. It
seemed to me that that could cause problems - is that not correct? 



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