Unity how to....

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at comcast.net
Wed May 4 16:08:48 UTC 2011

R Kimber wrote:
> On Tue, 03 May 2011 22:23:52 -0500
> Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> My biggest complaint is what they did with the scroll bars.  At first I
>> could only get them to pop up by accident. Then I noticed the thin
>> colored vertical line and realized how to activate them.  I can see no
>> way to grab them with the mouse and drag them up or down.  Also clicking
>> on an arrow and holding down the button does not scroll them. To get any
>> scrolling I must tap the mouse button.
> I'm not sure this is specifically a Unity feature.  I'm using Ubuntu
> Classic but still see this.  On my system moving the mouse near a line
> causes a rectangle with up and down arrows to appear and grabbing this
> enables scrolling.
> - Richard.

I was wrong about the scrolling.  I was using the built in touchpad and 
thought the scrolling was the result of the touchpad.  I just plugged in 
a mouse and can drag the scroll bar.  Clicking and holding on an arrow 
does not do anything though.

Regards,  Jim

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