Upgrading to 11.04 - Desktop

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon May 2 10:37:35 UTC 2011

On 1 May 2011 11:33, Peter Hillier-Brook <phb at hbsys.plus.com> wrote:
> ...
> Oh, and while I'm on a rant, I wonder why Canonical feels it necessary to
> re-build LibreOffice with their own private bugs!! It wastes 20 minutes with
> every new LibreOffice release, clearing out the Ubuntu version and
> re-installing the real thing.

I don't understand why it wastes 20 mins at each LO release.  Once you
have cleared out the Ubuntu release the first time it does not
re-install itself does it?  So no need to clear it out again.


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