Unity ROCKS!!!

James p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Mon May 2 05:16:16 UTC 2011

Hi Rikona

> Hello Dick,
> Sunday, May 1, 2011, 11:32:07 AM, Dick wrote:
> DD> I am, however, astounded by the anti-Unity anger expressed on 
> DD> list.
> I'm not angry, or anti-Unity. I'm just trying to understand why it is
> as good as people say. So far, I haven't seen any nitty-gritty details
> to support that.
> It seems as though it is so artful and esoteric that it can't be put
> into words. :-)

I'm not anti Uinity either but my own experience of it didn't impress 
me. It was somewhat slower and at times I wondered if my click 
actually started a program. That's prob in part due to the system I tried 
it on, i.e. eee-pc 701. The classic Gnome desktop is much more 
responsive imho. I also spent time trying to find the programs that I'd 
installed and oft use and tried to find a way from within Unity to add 
those programs and didn't find a way didn't find a way at the time, i.e. 
at the time. Certainly not intuative imho. What I'd suggest to the Unity 
programmers is something akin to what I've seen on other distros. 
Basically when Unity starts to have a help page displayed with a check 
box to stop that when no longer needed. And I don't mean to an online 
webpage as one might not be online when using the system. That sort 
of thing has come in handy in the past with some distros for me


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