11.04 freezes and I'm in recovery mode

Jon Anderson jbander at izoom.net
Mon May 2 00:24:29 UTC 2011

My computer freezes in 11.04, so I'm operating in 11.04 recovery 
mode.(which works great) but it has a different desktop environment.(it 
seems to be the same as 10.10) I've tried everything to fix the freezing 
in the main program all through 10.10 and now 11.04. No results. So 
since my program won't work in the regular mode but does work in the 
recovery mode. What is the difference that allows recovery to work when 
the main program doesn't. I want to work with the regular 11.04 desktop 
and I'm thinking that if I can find out the difference why the recovery 
mode works and the main program doesn't >I thought I could use that 
information to use the main program (with the desktop I want to use) and 
not the recovery program

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