Explain to me again why Unity is so great...

Ben Darby bendarb at gmail.com
Sun May 1 11:39:20 UTC 2011

* Jordon Bedwell (jordon at envygeeks.com) wrote:
> On 5/1/2011 5:48 AM, Nick Edwards wrote:
> > Look at how fast slackware lost a LARGE proportion of its desktop users
> > when they dropped Gnome some 7 or 8 years ago, I know a lot of slackware
> > server users, but I can think of only one single slackware desktop user
> > in my contact list, it works great, detects all netbook stuff and what
> > have you, but KDE sucks big time, its almost as bloatware as XP :P
> > 
> > I triple boot XP pro, OpensuSe and Ubuntu, if Ubuntu drop Gnome, l then
> > it gets simpler, I'll only boot XP and OpenSuSe.
> Ubuntu hasn't and never will drop GNOME.  Unity is a shell for GNOME.

How can you be so sure that Ubuntu will never decide to, for whatever
reason explained or not, drop GNOME? They've had no issues with chopping
and changing default applications, stated they are moving away from X.
You can't take anything for granted, Ubuntu might decide they are moving
in different directions and develop their own solution.

ben darby <bendarb at gmail.com>

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