trying to OCR a simple tif file with tesseract-ocr

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Sat Mar 26 12:30:41 UTC 2011

  as part of a larger workflow, i need to OCR process some simple text
files and, as i read it, tesseract is the OCR tool of choice for
ubuntu.  so i'm following the instructions here:

but i can't seem to get any output.  i've taken a B/W screenshot of
some text, it's saved in a grayscale/1-layer .tif file, at which point
i run:

  $ tesseract tess.tif output

i get no diagnostics but the output file is always empty.  does
someone have a suggestion for an absurdly simple example of using
tesseract to get text out of a tif file?  i'm sure i'm missing
something simple but critical.


p.s.  i haven't changed any of tesseract's config file info since the
documentation *seems* to suggest i don't need to, but i'm willing to
be corrected on that.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA


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