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Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Wed Mar 23 15:53:42 UTC 2011

On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 09:55:14 -0500
Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:

> On 3/23/2011 8:13 AM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> > On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 06:11:03 -0500
> > Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:
> > 
> > Would you like to know what annoys me?
> I see what you did there, you went on the defense because you're one

I think you meant, "defensive."  Nah, I'm just annoyed by your annoyance
with standard usage of signature blocks and your apparent distaste for
Linux.  One would think that a, "Linux Systems Engineer and
Administrator; Debian and Ubuntu contributor," would have some more
respect for that which he supposedly administrates and to which he

> of those undying morons who has no respect for the competition or for
> anything so you have to find a way to bash it because you have no idea
> what it is really.  How about instead of being an idiot and bashing
> Windows you actually, truly, take those problems in Windows and make
> sure they're fixed in Linux.

Ooo, name calling! That's for sure really mature and right in keeping
with the Ubuntu Code Of Conduct which, may I note, you /have/
signed.  /Good/ little Ubuntuer, you, eh?  

Really, though, it figures.

How do you justify that immaturity (name calling) to others whom you
claim as equals?  I imagine they just shake their collective heads.

BTW, what problems in Winduhs need fixing /in Linux/?  I have no idea
what they may be as I do not use Winduhs.
> "If, "move," is grayed out then, "lock to panel," is enabled.  (bottom
> selection, just under, "move."  Un-enable it, then you can move the
> applet." -- Cybe R. Wizard.
> Title: Comma-Candy by Cybe R. Wizard.
> Need I say more about you having the right /and/ or skill to explain
> to people how to properly utilise the English language?
Although I like your made-up title, "Comma-Candy," it is nevertheless
correct comma usage you'll find in that quoted post of mine.

You may also have noticed that my illiterate 'advice' solved the
problem for the OP.

If you prefer I will use, "disable," in the future although the
connotation is that of, "handicap," instead of, "turn off."
...but I'd never expect for you to have noticed anything so subtle as

BTW, Where have I claimed any right to do anything?  'Not nowhere,
not nohow, not ever.' I merely list things (and people) which (who)
annoy me, much as you did (please do take that both ways).  Have you
more right to do so than I?  I don't think so.

Yes, please /do/ say more, because, if you look closely, I /do/ have
that skill. It certainly hasn't been dis-proven, especially by your name
calling. You /could/ try doing an English-usage evaluation of my posts
to see if your claim can hold up.  I doubt your ability to do so,
though.  I further doubt your will to do so.

> I do also, to add, find it funny that you the one who just sounded
> pretentious would come out and throw the stone at somebody else
> calling them arrogant.  Your entire email shows this same evidence
> against you and the evidence above correlates it.
> I think somebodies a little bit cranky, might a suggest a nap?
"I do also, to add, find it funny that you the one..."

Er, can you put that into English?

BTW, "somebody's."  It is a contraction of, "somebody," and, "is."

Also, you may have noticed, Valentine's Day is so over.

Cybe R. Wizard -sheesh, kids these days...
"Windows is yucky. It keeps breaking" 
		Edward Bordas Age 5

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