New linux wiki up

Niki Kovacs contact at
Tue Mar 22 20:56:47 UTC 2011

Le 22/03/2011 21:33, Patton Echols a écrit :
> On 03/22/2011 01:18 PM, Patton Echols wrote:
>> (BTW, I bookmarked the page. Hope it's successful.)
> Actually, having just now scanned the content, I'm not so sure about
> that last statement. 'Course it is a site called "Black Hats" What
> should be expected?

"L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions", goes a french saying, meaning 
something like: hell is paved with good intentions. The "new Linux wiki" 
seems to yell out something like: hey, folks, here's a funny book for 
you to read... well, actually, it's more a pile of white sheets of 
paper, but hey, you can write a funny story on it, if you like, so 
others can enjoy it!

Not my idea of fun.

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