New linux wiki up

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Tue Mar 22 16:03:08 UTC 2011

On Tue, March 22, 2011 13:09, Christopher Lemire wrote:

> Ok, so I forgot to bottom post one time by mistake. I'll have to get
> mutt going with gmail again soon, so it does all that auto-magically.
> I was just letting the ubuntu community know there's a helpful free
> support channel and new wiki up. If you have anything that's not
> negative to say, go ahead and reply.

Chicken and egg problem in online communities: you won't get any new users
(and possible contributors) if you don't have any interesting content
already; and you won't get any interesting content if you don't have a
large enough user (and contributor) base.

How do you solve this? Possible solutions are:
* seed your wiki with interesting content
* open in private beta before going public
* give incentives to active contributors

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