Wanted - video player (ogg video) with fast forward, pause, reverse, etc. controls

Basil Chupin blchupin at iinet.net.au
Tue Mar 22 12:50:36 UTC 2011

On 22/03/2011 23:09, Chris G wrote:
> The subject says it all really, I want a video player for looking at the
> results of running a webcam (I used cheese to do the recording) that
> will allow me to fast forward, stop, reverse and so on to make it easy
> to search for stuff.
> Ideally there would be time indicators that would show elapsed time and
> even 'actual time' being the 'start of recording' + 'elapsed time' but
> maybe that's being a bit hopeful.



"Aaah....another pointless day when I've achieved nothing."
                   Bender, Futurama.

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