Sync multiple computers to a central server

Amedee Van Gasse amedee-ubuntu at
Fri Mar 18 12:20:46 UTC 2011

On Thu, March 17, 2011 14:20, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> I've only one thing to add to Amedee's comment:
> Amedee Van Gasse wrote:
>> And when you're done, you do:
>> $ git commit -m 'some meaningfull comment'
>> $ git push origin master
> Do this whenever you've made any vaguely significant change to the code.
> It makes git much much more useful as a massive 'undo' mechanism - it is
> what it's there for :)

Agreed. Commit as much as possible. If in doubt, commit.
Push, that's not needed so much. But push every time you leave the keyboard.

If it is the list that is broken how is it possible
that some clients work and others do not?
(Cybe R. Wizard)

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