creating a local mirror at home computer

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at
Thu Mar 17 18:44:16 UTC 2011

I am trying to debug a problem which necessarily needs a Ubuntu mirror
for  install (basically problem in creating guest OS on Xen with
So I decided to setup a local mirror of Ubuntu in a USB hard disk that
I have of size 1TB.
I do not have such an internet bandwidth at my home computer that I do
an installation
pointing to a mirror from Ubuntu repos.So I decided to download Ubuntu DVD's.
Some where on internet I found it was mentioned this process needs 15
GB of space basically 4 DVDs.
While searching for DVDs I got following link
where I am able to see only 1 DVD.
Since I do not have a high bandwidth downloading 4 DVDs for me can
take a week or more.
Where can I get link to remaining 3 DVDs?
While searching how to create mirror I came across a tool known as
apt-mirror and debmirror
which one is recommended (best practice).


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