installer does not find a network - but a live system does ... wtf?

Fajar Priyanto fajarpri at
Wed Mar 16 02:25:05 UTC 2011

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 5:17 AM, Andi Meier <andimeier at> wrote:
> Hi NoOp,
> thanks for the links! Anyway, although this is interesting stuff, I don't think this can help me with my particular problem. In my other
> post (15.03.2011 20:49) I described that one time the command "ifup etho0" is not able to connect to the network and the next time (a few
> seconds later) it is.
> AFAICS there is some "special" problem I'm facing which does not seem to be described in any document/forum I have searched so far -
> including the (interesting) pages you have pointed me to.
> My latest guess is a hardware issue, but I would really love to hear what you guys out there think. Maybe I'm missing something?

I have very similar problem!!
The PC has multiple network card (one on board and two gig eth --
realtek chipset).
It was a Centos machine, and I reformat it with Ubuntu Server 10.04.
The installer went smoothly, until rebooted, then it cannot find any
network (DHCP).

The error message is that it cannot find some of the ethernet
(alternating between eth0, eth1, eth2). After some more digging it
turns out that the OS keeps mixing up the order of the eth. So, eth0
becomes eth1, etc. I tried to make it fixed by modifying
It works, but still not consistently.
Out of frustration, I unplug one of the realtek NIC and it works!! So,
then I think, hell, I unplug all realtek NIC, and it errors like that
Somehow, I must keep one of the realtek NIC.

Well, it's quite traumatic experience :)

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